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When 2022 started, I looked at what I'd learned about myself in the uncertain ride that was 2021 (and 2020 👎🏻) and vowed to leave 10 things behind forever. I refused to accept another year of uncertainty and excuses.
I find that determining exactly what we want more of, and the things we want less of, in your life makes it easier to put a voice and an intention to them.
I empower the women in my coaching community by showing them how to get intentional when developing your Future Self - Your Future Self, is the woman you want to be - when your list is clearly written for the world to see, but the most important person the list is for is you. The workbook works as an intentional action that gains you clarity and then keeps you accountable with actionable steps.
Does this resonate with you?
Initially I created the Selfcare Workbook for myself so that I could be intentional about what I want my lifestyle and selfcare to look like, now and in the future. I find that when I write down the things I want to focus on (especially in the beginning stages of any selfcare journey) I can stay focused (and it yields more success) with how I want to feel and show up as a mom, a wife, a friend, a leader and a business woman. You can download a copy for your own journey here, of course I highly recommend it:
1. Second guessing your intuition
2. Other people’s opinions/perceptions of you
3. Toxic people, behaviours, relationships and habits
4. Saying yes when you want to say no
5. Seeking perfection
6. Playing small therefore feeling stuck
7. Letting fear dictate how you live your life
8. Self-hate/sabotage
9. Doubting your authentic talents
10. Giving your time to people who don’t share your values
Looking at this list can feel overwhelming- I was overwhelmed me at the beginning of my selfcare journey too. I knew who I wanted to become, but I didn't know where to start. I looked and searched but I couldn't find any step by step directions to get me going.
What I was looking for was a workbook I could use to reflect on my journey, and develop my life into what I wanted. I wanted a list to check off for building my future self. So, I created the workbook myself! And now, I share it with women like you, who are also overwhelmed with self care and how to get to your end goals. You can download your free copy here:
I'd love to be part of your journey. reach out and get weekly tips and opt into coaching for putting yourself first on my Instagram.
With love,
Hi, I'm Melissa 👋🏻
If you hang around me long enough I will convince you that you are worth anything your heart desires!
I live on a small island on the West Coast of Canada (Salt Spring Island) with my husband, two boys & random animals.
I pump my tires on empowering women to make themselves a priority, and living an intentionally clean & natural lifestyle. (AKA: I DIY the shit out of everything.)
When I was employed, I quickly learned that I hated working on other people's terms and I wanted to be raising my babies at home. Essential oils have allowed me to build a business and dream life from home with my babes in my arms.
You can find me on Instagram for daily tips for self-care, essential oil education, and lots of laughter.