Selfcare Happens Here
adopt simple lifestyle habits that naturally raise your vibe -

Essential Oils
buy the best available
Did you know that there is no governing platform that regulates the essential oil industry?
I've linked arms with an essential oil company who has never done what's been done in the industry before- we consistently provide the highest grade essential oils in the world today. We do that with third-party testing... we ethically + sustainably source plant material + we are backed by ground breaking grass-root studies & prestigious research partnerships. No other essential oil company is doing what we do, which is, provide the best so that we can help the most. We pursue what's pure.
Selfcare Checklist
solutions to 90% of life's curve-balls
I equip women with the tools that anchor healthy lifestyle habits so that you can crush the things that you are passionate about.
If you are looking to attract a higher vibration of being but struggle with overwhelm, burn out or you don't have secure selfcare habits in place, I invite you to grab the free selfcare eBook. It's your ticket to tapping into the elevated version of yourself that you've been wanting more of.
Wellness Lifestyle
curate a fulfilling life & business
When you link arms with our global wellness community, we pour our time, talent and resources into those who take action + have a passion and drive for helping others.
This also is for you if you want to monetize + create residual income + time freedom. This is for people who know they are here on this earth to disrupt some shit!
I invite you to click through and check out why you might want to consider what it means to truly be financially free.
Selfcare + Essential Oil = Synergy
"[essential oils] have an amazing potential to support just about EVERYTHING!!!! I was such a doubter when I first started!"
Chrisandra B.
"...diffusers are the best way to get the most out of your oils... and to start with a kit! I wish I would have! You save so much money and start with an array of different oils to combat all sorts of different things.
Lindsay Lou
"I use Frankincense twice a day, 3 drops each time on my spine and the base of my skull and I have noticed a decided difference for my brain support"
Tamara W.